Donnerstag, 3. März 2011

Schwedische Finanzmarktaufsicht warnt vor Standard Hokori Group

Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) has today published this statement in order to warn investors against dealing with un-authorised firms. Standard Hokori Group is not authorised by Finansinspek-tionen and is therefore not entitled to provide financial services. Finansinspek-tionen has not received any notification of cross-border activities from other EES countries.

Standard Hokori Group has a website ( using the following addresses:

 Showa Dori 1-12, 37F, Chioda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
 64-76 Liberty St. 12th FL., New York, NY, United states of America.
 Mariánskolázenská 11-13, Karlovarsky, Czech Republic.

Standard Hokori Group's representatives contact investors in Sweden through unsolicited telephone calls.

To find out whether a company or individual is authorised, check Finans-inspektionen's website at: under "Authorisation".

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