Dienstag, 26. November 2013

Belgische Finanzmarktaufsicht warnt vor Globaleye

The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of Globaleye SPRL, Globaleye SA and Globaleye Belgium, firms acting as insurance intermediaries and offering investment services.

Globaleye SPRL, Globaleye SA and Globaleye Belgium have neither the registration required in Belgium to pursue the activity of insurance intermediation, nor the authorization in order to offer investment services in or from Belgium.

The FSMA therefore advises against responding to any offers of financial services made by Globaleye SPRL, Globaleye SA and Globaleye Belgium and against transferring money to any account number they might mention.

Globaleye SPRL, Globaleye SA and Globaleye Belgium have their registered office at Avenue Louise/Louizalaan 367, 1050 Brussels.

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