Samstag, 19. Januar 2013

Financial Services and Markets Authority warnt vor EFG Associates und Lincoln Capital Partners

The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of EFG Associates and Lincoln Capital Partners, firms which offer investment services.
EFG Associates and Lincoln Capital Partners are not authorized investment firms in Belgium. They are therefore not allowed to provide investment services in or from Belgium.
The FSMA therefore advises against responding to any offers of financial services made by EFG Associates and Lincoln Capital Partners and against transferring money to any account number they might mention.
EFG Associates and Lincoln Capital Partners claim to be established in Hong Kong (SAR) at the same address, namely: Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central Hong Kong.
If you would like to enquire more generally as to the regularity of a transaction being proposed, please consult the Consumers page of the FSMA website ( You may also contact the 'Relations with Consumers of Financial Services' department by email (peri(at) or by phone (+32 2 220 59 10).

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