Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010

Danish Financial Supervisory Authority warns against Smith and Dalton M&A

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority has been informed that a company named Smith and Dalton M&A unsolicited has contacted Danish citizens. At the company's homepage ( it is stated that the company has the address: Henan Building, 19 Luard Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

According to information given to The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the company has offered to carry out financial services.

Smith and Dalton M&A does not have authorization from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority in accordance with the Financial Business Act to carry out such services in Denmark.

The company has not been notified in Denmark from any foreign Financial Supervisory Authority.

Companies which are authorized to carry out financial services in Denmark can be found at The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority's homepage (

Contact person: Natascha Ottsen
Direct phone no.: +45 33 55 83 79

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